Sometimes a single snapshot can convey a story almost completely on its own.
Many of the images that follow were submitted by readers, friends and family – and convey varying perspectives of homes, landscaping, nature and life at the Jersey Shore. I’ll add a few words as a back-drop for each. But for the most part, I think the images speak very-much for themselves.
Now, ironically, this article was published just a few weeks before Hurricane [Superstorm] Sandy obliterated many of the areas shown in these images, several of which were essentially at ground zero. But writing this paragraph addition now 2 years after Sandy, everything you see below is completely restored. And some areas are even improved: a bitter-sweet silver lining…
Closing Scene of Late Spring Storm – Over the Landscaping
Photographed and submitted by Jessica Russo of Wall Township, NJ – the dark, ominous tail-end of thunder clouds can still be felt, even while the sun breaks through in contrast – yielding the rainbow over the birches, blue atlas cedars and maple.
Rebuilding a Childhood Home – From the Ground Up
Growing up in Spring Lake, NJ, Sally Kozlowski probably never imagined the day she would hire a construction crew to demolish her childhood home. And as painful as this must have been to watch – she’s now on the brink of breaking ground on the new house she’ll be building for her family.
Not only will they be close to the ocean, but walking distance to ice cream too.
The detached garage and maple tree will serve as monuments to the first home. But for the moment, the main the main task at hand involves getting the permits required to break ground. Once more.
Beach House Landscaping on Ocean Avenue, NJ
New Jersey is famous for our boardwalks, of course, and throughout the many beach communities of Monmouth County, Ocean Avenue is street to drive, run, bike and walk: the boardwalk and ocean on one side, and numerous beautiful million-dollar beach houses on the other.
From the porches you see in the shot below, which face perfectly eastward, one can imagine watching the sunrise over the ocean every morning.
With homes like these, landscape design always catches my attention – as these houses are sitting, quite literally, on sand. Having lush green lawns, shrubs and flowers all therefore come with added challenges.
Rooted trees are not terribly common due to the loose sand and risk of falling during hurricanes.
Note also the elevation and stone/concrete retaining walls – providing for the very aesthetic lawn and landscaping plateaus. When you’re about 200 feet from the ocean, every inch of elevation is imperative…
And speaking of hurricanes – it was only last August when Irene came through, causing some massive damage. Chunks of the Spring Lake boardwalk were found as far away as New York City.
I don’t believe it’s been completely rebuilt as of yet.
Beach Season Moving into Full Swing
This is the week that the New Jersey and New York public schools let out. The beaches will soon be swarming, but the first real weekend of tourist influx is that of Memorial Day. This is when the parking meters get re-installed on Ocean Avenue and many of the beach-front restaurants, bars and shops reopen or resume full-time hours for the summer season.
The shot that follows was submitted by Peggy Sparks and shows the Point Pleasant, NJ beach from the vantage point of one who might very well be enjoying a Margarita at dusk…
Just below, you can see a shot of the surf in Belmar, NJ, photographed by Jessica Russo – and then the sun rising over the ocean in Monmouth Beach, NJ, submitted by Phil Sikora.
And In the Backyard – It’s Pool Season
For those of us who prefer staying closer to home, it’s surely pool, deck and BBQ time as well.
Not sure quite what it is about the following shot of the three chaise lounges that just seems so appealing to me: maybe it’s the color contrast, maybe it’s the fact they seem so indicative of summer… or maybe it’s because I managed to get these for one third the price at a clearance sale last year. :-)
Since March, though, working outside every weekend to get the pool and pool landscaping in tip-top shape for the summer has paid off. Everything is looking great. If only, now, the temperatures would go above 70-degrees, maybe we could actually use the pool instead of just vacuuming it every weekend!
Additional Jersey Shore Home-Related Images?
If anyone has additional personal photos you would like to submit for potential use on our site, please contact us and let us know. You can also comment directly below. I think people sometimes don’t realize how beautiful our Jersey Shore communities really are…
And to this I say – let’s keep showing them.
No, from what I have seem in photos in recent times Belmar, NJ is a far cry from my memories of my summers in the 1950s. Back then it was a family town that was safe and catered to wives and their children who were awaiting the weekend returns of their husbands and fathers. Gone are the quaint comfortable bungalows that lined every street from Ocean to F street. Gone is the wonderful Ocean Wave Hotel that fronted the corner of Ocean and 13th Ave expanding down 13th with additions to the original front structure. What memories I carry of sitting on the wraparound porch with its tall porch rockers or eating in.the dining room with my family after my Mom fixed a meal in the kitchen area where individual units were provided complete with small fridge, stove, cabinet filled with cutlery, dishes, glasses, pots and pans. Across from the Ocean Wave was the boardwalk that was home to the 13th Ave Pavilion that presented talent nights where anyone could get up on stage and perform, such honest fun and free. And backing the boardwalk was the beach and surf that cost folks about 50 cents a day back then unless you bought a Season Badge as we did. Waking to the ocean breezes drifting into our front hotel rooms with its salty scent is a memory that has never left this Jersey Girl transplanted in the AZ desert. Now Belmar resembles any housing development instead of the essence called The Jerseydiagnostic Shore. Why can’ t greedy developers leave well enough alone. Thankfully there is still a landmark structure on 10th and Ocean that still functions (since the 1920’s I just ascertained) as a family business and hotel, it’s the Mayfair Hotel and may it remain in business generation after generation to come. Sadly I recently heard of the permanent closing of a wonderful restaurant in Belmar on F Street and 10th Ave due to the demise of its owners; it was called VESUVIO’s and was out favorite place to enjoy authentic Italian cooking
New Jersey looks like a beautiful place to live Mark, Peggy’s photo reminds me of having dinner down at the Sydney Harbour with the Sydney Bridge and Opera House in view – very nostalgic. Your photos make me feel that there may be a better way to live!!